Monday, January 6, 2014


So the year is over. Part of me is sad and part of me is super excited. I'm sad because my Caden isn't a baby anymore. I can never, ever get those moments back with him but I would never, ever trade my toddler! He's so much fun! Another reason I'm sad is because we're not in Alaska anymore. I find myself wondering when to drag the suitcases back out and pack up so we can fly home but then I remember that I can't do that. I can't pack up and go home. I am home. I have to tell myself that this is my home and that someday I'll go back to Alaska but for now, this is my home. I'm happy that the year is over too. I'm happy and just beyond excited for the arrival of our baby girl. I cannot wait to meet her and smell her newborn smell, tickle her tiny toes, listen to her soft coos (or blood curdling cries...hopefully she'll stick with the soft coos!!), dress her and put bows in her hair. I'm so excited :) I can't wait to see Caden become a big brother. I'm happy 2013 is over because the wait to move is finally over!! No more feeling anxious about the big move.

This past year was fun. I got to watch my son grow and grow and grow. He runs everywhere and just talks and talks! I love the little person he's becoming. We celebrated his very first birthday. We got to visit family. We got to go to the happiest place on earth--Disney World!!! Oh man, my favorite place EVER! And seeing the excitement in Caden's face was the best part :) We had a wonderful summer, filled with play dates at the park, popsicles, and walks. My first little niece was born and we love her so :) Nathaniel graduated from college and then went straight back! He also made Staff Sergeant! We had family come to visit and then took amazing vacation in Hawaii. We got to visit family and take our first real road trip. And then we finally made it to our new home. What a wonderful year :) sad to see 2013 go but happy to see what 2014 holds!

 He had just learned how to stand up in his crib!
 Playing with all his Christmas loot

 First time playing in the snow!!
 First time standing on his own!
 A tiny, brand new Brielle :)

 First time at the indoor play area :) One of our favorite places to go!

 He used to stand on his head like that forever!

 First birthday :) and first bite of cupcake/sweets ever!

 He had just learned how to walk a few days before this picture was taken

Poor kid didn't know what all the green stuff was! He LOVED the grass!!


Nathaniel's graduation! He got his bachelor's and is now working on his master's.

Birthday pictures were one month late but so adorable!!!

Snow City's tomato soup is so yummy!! But he looks very concerned haha

This is basically our whole summer--playing outside all day!

Rainy days=blanket forts :)
Sea same Street USO tour with one of his best buds!

He loves planes!!!

Fourth of July

First time eating yogurt by himself

Another haircut!
He got to attend his first birthday party!

Some days ended up looking a lot like this hahah

The state fair
Grandpa Tom

Best Buds :)


 So cute in the outfit Mama Kat got him!

 He loves that tiger. It's his "baby" and he changes her "diaper"

 In Arizona!

 Beagles need juice too!

 First encounter with a permanent marker
 Playing the piano at grandma's (or Ma, as Caden calls her)!
 First time bowling

 Sigh...the mascara

Merry Christmas!
 Our sweet girl

And there's my 2013 in pictures. We had lots of laughs and smiles. We had many, many tears. We had a great year. I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for the three (no, four!) little Bucks :)

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