Thursday, December 26, 2013


The Bucks all had a great Christmas this year! It was a little different since we recently moved and it was our first Christmas without either of our parents. I haven't spent Christmas with my parents in four years but yesterday was Nathaniel's first Christmas ever away from his family. We did get to spend the evening with my grandparents though! And it was very nice :) I'm glad to have some family nearby!
This year I didn't do Christmas cards--first year ever! I'm so ashamed. hahaha we did get several from family and friends and we love them! Thank you! We got to watch all our favorite Christmas movies and the Disney Christmas parade. We set up a tree and every day Caden rearranged the ornaments. He even broke a few (like seven). We didn't get snow on Christmas Day and it doesn't look like we'll get any for a while.
On Christmas Eve we ate homemade pizza and watched Muppets Christmas Carol (don't laugh! It's seriously one of my favorites!). After Caden went to bed we moved all the presents from the spare room to the living room and we had a present explosion! Nathaniel and I then watched The Grinch while we sipped hot chocolate and ate peanut butter cookies. 
Nathaniel read Luke 2 (the Christmas Story) to Caden and a couple of Christmas books on Christmas morning. We opened our stockings and had some yummy French toast for breakfast. And then we finally tore into that mountain of gifts!! Caden had so much fun :) Nathaniel and I got some good stuff too! We laid Caden down for a nap and he showed us that he's a big boy now...he crawled out of his crib. Three times. Our lives are over!! hahah so it looks like we'll be moving him into a toddler bed. I thought I had more time! Oh well. During his nap I prepared all the food and I successfully made my very first turkey! We had a great Christmas dinner with my grandparents and then all passed out after they went home. We had a wonderful Christmas!! :) 

The ball house was his first gift! He is in love with that thing!

Everyone got a clementine haha and Caden ate all three of them!

Cars eat at the table with us too :)

Nathaniel's Oregon blocks that I had made for him! It was a perfect surprise!
Big boy underwear! hahah it's almost time to potty train! Especially since he fills his diaper and then says "poop" over and over again.

Starting his mask collection already! 
Caden with some of his loot :) you can kinda see my pile next to him. I got a fabulous pair of brown boots, a bunch of adorable clothes, three candles, a calendar, and books!! 

Sticking his feet out the holes in the ball house hahaha he was cracking us up!
Straight from England. To die for!! Thanks mom and dad :)
I swear, Coke tastes better in this cup! Thanks mom!
My beautiful turkey! haha 
My grandpa carving that bad boy
Some of the Christmas spread :) sooo yummy!

So there are no pictures of me opening gifts! That's ok though. And there's only like two of Nathaniel opening gifts. It more fun to watch our son anyways! :) I also just realized that we didn't get a picture of all three of us or one of us with my grandparents! Darn pregnancy brain haha I can't remember anything anymore!  Speaking of pregnancy...I'm 20 weeks pregnant with a sweet baby GIRL!! But I'll blog about that later :) 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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