Monday, September 29, 2014

Road Trip: Oregon Edition :)

After ten fun and busy days in Alaska we packed up headed to Oregon! We visited Nathaniel's other set of grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa Buck. They got to meet Isla for the first time and see how much Caden has grown! He was almost one the last time they saw him. We were only able to spend three days there but we had a great time and miss them very much!

Oregon is so beautiful! 
Isla looking at the baby doll Grandma and Grandpa Buck gave her
We went to the fair and Caden got to pet a wallaby!! It was soooo cute! It just hopped all over the place. I wanted to keep it. 

Playing with Grandma Buck!

He found Grandma Buck's sunglasses! He's also wearing an outfit given to him by Grandma and Grandpa Buck! 
He decided Isla needed to wear them too  :) Isla's shirt was a gift too!
Grandma Buck said, "I'm going to smile just like Nathaniel" haha
Isla and Grandpa Buck!
We saw this plane at the airport. I had to take a picture for Nathaniel! 

Our stay was short and I didn't get enough pictures. Next time we'll stay longer!! We love you both so much, can't wait to see you again!!! 

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