Friday, September 19, 2014

Road Trip: Alaska Edition :)

After our fun stay in Arizona we boarded a plane and headed off for Alaska. The four little Bucks, on two airplanes. A four month old and a two year old. People in the airport were probably all praying that we wouldn't sit anywhere near them haha

Boarding the plane!
He was awake the whole first flight and he was pretty good! Except he kicked the seat in front of him. I felt so bad.
This was our second flight. It was awesome!
First glimpse of home!
We went to the state fair our first day there! It was way too nice of a day to not go :)
Caden and Uncle John watching Nathaniel and cousin Carson on the ride! 
Caden and Carson just love each other. And I love them.
Gigi and Isla!
Caden and his cousins! 
Isla fell asleep with her paci on her face haha 
Such beauty! 

The next day we went to the Saturday Market! I love going. Several booths were already packed up but that's ok, we still had fun :) 

Hahahaha we look ridiculous!
That giraffe backpack, or "leash", is literally a life saver. My son is a runner. He refuses to hold hands and he's too big for the stroller. And yes, I've done everything I can to get him to hold hands, but if he rips his hand out of mine and runs away what can I do? That's why we have the backpack. Judge me if you want but I will not compromise my son's safety for the sake of my pride. 
Reading their menus hahaha

We spent one rainy day at the Imaginarium and had a blast :)
Caden loved that ball thing. The air sucks the ball through the tube and then spits it out the top. We need one in our house!

We ended up going back to the fair! Another amazing day so we went back with family members who couldn't go the first time :) 

You can't see Caden but he's in that little car. He loved it!
My view at the fair :) she slept so much. I just love that girl

Mama Kat playing basketball! 
"Mommy! I found a popcorn!"
"Real men baby wear. And grow sexy beards." 

Caden got to see some old friends! 

Best buds, then and now :) 
Goodbye, friend. See you soon! 

Caden's cousins came over after school almost every. Caden just loves those boys! And they love him! They would run around the house and then go outside with Mama Kat to water the flowers.

Picking raspberries! 

When we got home Caden asked me if he could water flowers with Mama Kat again. It makes me sad that we can't live near everyone that we love.

We decided to go up to Alyeska and be tourists :) it was fun! We rode the tram up to the top and ate at the little cafe up there. 

On the tram!
 Looking out the tram--so beautiful! 
Coming back down the tram

Girdwood had some beautiful flowers! 

We got to see some old friends but this is the only picture I took. I don't know why I didn't snap more! 

We hung out with Nathaniel's family a lot, we ate out way too much, and our time ended way too soon. We loved every second we spent in Alaska. We love you all and miss you so much! 

Pop's loud voice made Isla cry! hahaha 

Unfortunately, there are no pictures of Uncle Tanner or Granddad with the babies :( at least none that I have. If anyone has any send then to me and I'll add them!! 

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