Thursday, April 3, 2014

My babies

Today we had an appointment to see how big Miss Isla is! We had an ultrasound but she is so squished in my belly that we couldn't see too much. We had the ultrasound because my belly has consistently measured big and I previously gave birth to a large baby (Caden was 9lbs, 2oz). The doctors and midwives (I see both) have been discussing a possible induction based on Isla's size but today it was decided that I will not be induced unless I go past my due date. I'm currently 34 weeks but I'm measuring at 37. According to the ultrasound Isla weighs 6 pounds, 15 ounces!! I'm carrying around a 7lb baby right now! No wonder my back hurts all the time. No wonder the kicks are so strong and way up in ribs. So I guess Nathaniel and I are just destined to have ginormous babies! The ultrasound is supposed to be accurate but who knows, she could actually be smaller and I'll have a petite little thing...wishful thinking. 

Hard to see but here's Isla! It's just her face and she's all squished in there. Her little fingers are up by her nose. 
Here's me at 33 weeks but measuring 36 weeks. Can't wait to hold my girl!! 

Isla is doing great and so is my Caden :) he's such a sweet guy! I love that boy. This morning he said, "Mommy, love you" without me saying it first! He just recently started forming sentences. And by sentences I mean two, maybe three, words strung together. Hearing him say that he loves me made me so happy! But now he won't say it again! haha if he gets hurt he will say "hurt" and then whatever body part got hurt. He knows all his body parts (including wiener...that one seems to be his favorite. Makes me laugh so hard everytime). It's so amazing to watch him grow. He learns new things everyday! I just love watching him. We've been very busy lately too! He's had several little play dates at various parks and he's had a blast at each one :) we went to Lubbock last week, painted one day, and have been playing in the backyard almost every day. 

He fell asleep in the truck on the way home from Lubbock like this! 

Today we went to a potluck play date/favorites party and that was super fun! I made s'mores bars (to die for!!!) and I ate to my heart's content. Everyone made some delicious food and I enjoyed all of it. Caden and I made some new friends and I came home with some cute little gifts! It was fun :) 

All my goodies from the party! I'm completely obsessed with the cute flowery cup. 

We had a donut date with my grandparents last week and then another one with a friend this week. If I end up a whale at the end of this pregnancy it's definitely my own fault. I just realized how much junk I've eaten lately! I guess the gym will be my new best hoo. I hate the gym. Anyways, Caden's doing great and I am so thankful for that boy. I can't wait to watch him become a big brother! 

Donuts with Ma and Papa!

So I know this post is entitled "My babies" but I'm going to talk about Nathaniel for a second :) I do call him babe so I guess he could fall under the babies thing...I bet he doesn't like me saying that! haha so last week he graduated from ALS! ALS stands for Airman Leadership School and it's a five week class. His commander, supervisor, and Senior Master Sergeant and their wives all came out to show their support for him at his graduation. He earned the Commandant's Award. I'm so proud! He made some friends in ALS too but he's happy to be back at work. And at his work there are big things going on. More about that later. 

Accepting his award!
The entire ALS class. Nathaniel's in the back though and you can't see him. 

And one quick thing about me, I went and played bingo tonight! How old am I?! haha it was so fun though! I didn't win anything but I had a great time. 

Today was insanely busy--play date, baby appointment, and bingo. I was out of the house from 10:00am-7:00pm. So I'll be sitting here on the couch watching tv until I can't keep my eyes open anymore :) 

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