Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Happy Fourth!

We had a fabulous Independence Day! We started our Fourth of July with a 6:45 am wake up call from Mr. Caden. Nathaniel got up with him and let me sleep until 9:00. When I got up we all hung out for a bit and then Nathaniel took a nap. We all ate lunch together and put Caden in his room for quiet time which we thought had turned into nap time but we were wrong haha he was quietly playing when I checked on him! We went to my grandparent's house to hang out. My aunt and her kids were there too and we did a few little fireworks--Caden loved it! He quickly figured out how to do those little popper things (the ones that pop when you throw them on the ground). He was so funny!! He would throw it with all his strength and grunt haha he would also hold the popper in one hand and smack it with the other, popping it in his hand! I was wondering if that hurt but it didn't seem like it did! He's a hulk baby for sure. I forgot to take pictures of those fireworks. Darn :( but here's some American themed cuteness: 

We left the gpop's house and went to Nathaniel's Commander's house for a big Fourth of July bash. There was food everywhere. There were kids everywhere. Fireworks galore. It was awesome!!! They made a massive slip n slide for the kids and at first Caden was "scawed" but then he discovered the joy in running and slipping and sliding and laughing and rolling in the water. Adorable. There was a kiddie pool with a slide, bouncy house, trampoline, a huge yard, and puppies. A kid's heaven. After about two hours Caden was exhausted (remember the early morning wake up call? And the no nap? Yea, it was finally catching up to him. Plus all the running, playing, and sunshine). He had to rescued from the pool because the cute little whales printed on the inside were actually "scawy sharks". He also had to be rescued from the slip n slide because it was too wet and he was having too much fun that it made him cry hahah 

They made that slip n slide!!! It was so cool.
Bouncy house! "Via" was wrestling him haha

She pinned him haha

They started on sparklers for the kids and then put on an amazing fireworks show. It was pretty impressive!

All pictures of fireworks are kinda crappy so here's just one.
The fireworks were just too awesome to handle. 
We tried to get a family selfie but it didn't work out haha look at the fright written all over Caden's face! Thing is, he LOVES fireworks. But he was not having it that day. We left shortly after this picture and he fell asleep before we even got out of their driveway. 

Saturday was a quiet day, we all napped, made lunch, and did this cute little craft.

We went to watch the Clovis firework show too. It was scheduled for Friday but was cancelled due to flooding earlier in the week. We left early to get some frozen yogurt but the place was closed to we went to McDonald's and got ice cream instead. Then we watched a pretty good show! I was impressed! Clovis is a very small town and I did not expect such a good fireworks display! 

You know I'm happy...cheese sticks and a cherry vanilla coke from Taco Box! Oh, and my darling baby girl. Haha
Caden and his cousin playing in the back of Papa's truck :) 

On Sunday we went to church but the children's building was flooded so Caden hung out in the service with us. He did surprisingly well. He did toss a handful of crayons on the floor though. Twice. But that's good for him hahaha

They spent the entire service telling each other to "shhhhh!!!"

That afternoon we had our first pool party!! It was a blast! 

Going down the slide! He loved it!! And so did I! :) 

Mr. Farmer's Tan himself! haha

Comforting Miss Isla :)
Crying because it's his party and he can cry if he wants to! Wait...lol
Happy cuddles with daddy :)

We had a wonderful weekend. I'd love to do it all over again. Happy Fourth everyone! Now enjoy a few more random pictures of my kids haha :)

In LOVE with these jammies :)

Where's Caden?? 

Tickle, tickle! 

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