Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Family visit, tornadoes, and everything in between (...and some stuff after haha)

A couple weeks ago my parents, sisters, and niece came to visit! They drove from Tucson, Arizona to meet my Isla and play with Caden :) they arrived at three o'clock in the morning in the midst of a thunderstorm like I'd never seen. It rained for two or three days and then it got HOT! (For me it was hot. No one else thought it was haha) The base hosted an airshow and we tried to go but the heavens unleashed and we went home haha
While they were here we mostly just hung out, played with all the kids, stared at Isla's cuteness, and enjoyed each other's company :) my grandparents, my aunt, and her children joined in on the hanging out and we all had a grand old time :) 

 Playing airplanes with Mimi and Pawpaw!
Aunt Haley loving on Isla 
 Kisses for Aunt Courtney! Or Tonky, as Caden calls her
Best friends! :)
Hanging out (and burning up) at the park
Brielle playing with "baba"
Helping Brielle on his "truck"
Belly button!
Mimi and Isla :)

Just hanging out in a laundry basket, thinking about fighting over a toy

Mimi letting them jump on the bed!
Playing on the water slide and Ma and Pa's house. This picture is hilarious!!
Loving on Uncle Nate :)
The proud grandparents! :) poor Isla though! hahah
Caden and his Pawpaw :)
The zoo!
So adorbsies (thanks Haley for introducing me to that word. Now I can't stop saying it!!! haha)
Please don't copy your cousin! hahaha
My family :)
Sooo...kids hate pictures! 

After my family went home we decided to go to Lubbock. We ate at Triple J chophouse and brewery. Amazing. It was so good! We played at the park and did some shopping at places we don't have here. And we ate some ice cream from Marble Slab. I miss Marble Slab!!  

I have a hilarious video from the park but I can't post it from my phone. I'll get it up on facebook soon!

We've played outside almost every day and we babysat my friend's little girl on their anniversary. The kids were cute together. We've had many play dates at the park as well.


Her Mama Kat gave her that hat! So cute!

Then we had tornadoes!!! I was scared to death. I can't remember ever experiencing something like that! I texted my friend, who came here from Oklahoma, and was freaking out over the tornado warning. She was super helpful!! We took the supper I had just finished making and hid out in our hallway. Finally the warning passed but the same thing happened the next day!! And Nathaniel was in Albuquerque so I was by myself. It was scary! But now I know what to do so I'm ready for the next one! 

Isla is in her swing covered up by my body pillow haha we had the crib mattresses out too!

We watched a parade downtown (lame haha but it was something to do!). Caden was SO EXCITED over the tractors!!! 

Hi tractor! 
Hahahaha (credit: Emily Eddens!)

We went to a birthday party, played outside some more, got ate up by mosquitoes, went to the ER (he's fine!), celebrated Father's Day, and saw some snakes. And now you're all caught up on the super exciting lives of the four little Bucks! haha
Here are some pictures of the events listed above, plus some random adorbleness. But no snake pictures, sorry. The base library had a snake demonstration. Oh, and Caden is now in a toddler bed! The first night is going well, only because he's exhausted. I hope every night is this easy (it won't be haha)  Enjoy :) 

No kisses!!! 
Matching big brother, little sister shirts ;) no, I don't have a better picture. This is as good as it gets
Ahhh! So cute!
Hello cutie :)
Going to the park!
What a stud
Jeggings! Too freaking cute!!!
Fun at the hospital. So glad he's ok!
Showing off his battle scars. No, wait, showing off his gift from Mimi and Pawpaw. I forgot that cars are the single most important thing in life. 
Showing off her gift from DisneyLand. Thank you Mimi and Pawpaw!
Making bagel pizzas for lunch!
Die. I'm dead from cuteness overload. 
Tutus are for boys too! hahahahaha 
Monkey gets a banana too!
Toddler bed!
We're so cute ;)

Ok, last one! 
The pretty ballerina. HAHAHAHAHA

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