Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My newborn💕

Miss Isla will be four weeks old on Friday! I can't believe it! She'll hit a month on Sunday. As of her last appointment she weighs 9 pounds, 13 ounces. She gained an entire pound in one week!! She's 21 and a half inches long now too. She's been very busy growing!! Her favorite things are eating (CONSTANTLY), sleeping all day, grunting all night, and being held. She hates diaper changes and bath time. Bath time is torture for her. Bath time requires a lengthy recovery time involving lots of cuddles and lots of milk haha since she's only four weeks old she doesn't have too much personality yet but it's pretty cool to see that there are already things she likes and dislikes. She is a little particular already too. For example: if her buns are dirty she won't eat. She must have a clean diaper before milk consumption begins. When Caden was a baby he didn't care if he was sitting in a mountain of poop. He just wanted milk and he wanted it right that second! 

Bath recovery
So cute :)
No mommy, I don't want to wear this hairbow! 
My tiny ballerina 

We got newborn pictures taken!! They're so beautiful. I've already posted them on facebook so I'll only share a few here.

My favorite!! I'm obsessed with the giraffe bow :) 
We love her

Our family!
I adore this one. Caden's eyebrows crack me up!
Story time :)
Oh look, Isla's asleep, how unusual
He loves his sister :)

Having a newborn and a toddler is exhausting but it's not nearly as hard as I had imagined. It is a little difficult when they've both pooped, both are whiny, and both are hungry (this happened yesterday morning--that's how my day started). I'm just tired all the time. I've gone out a few times, only once by myself though and that was to the park where we met some friends. I wore Isla the whole time in a baby k'tan and tomorrow I'm picking up an Ergo! I'm getting into baby wearing because holding Isla and chasing Caden just isn't something I want to do, I'd rather just wear her :) I have a seven sling and it belongs in the trash. I hate that thing. 

At the park! 

So there's an update an my sweet, squishy, cuddly, adorable, loveable little girl :)

Oh, and then there's this:
Isla tries to nurse on everything, including Caden's nose when he gives her kisses and then he does it back :) soooo cute!!

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