Monday, February 10, 2014

Boring...but you know you want to read it anyways :)

So I wanted to give a quick update on how things are going for us in Clovis. A couple weeks ago Nathaniel went on his first ever TDY (temporary duty) and it was super lame. Caden and I were bored out of our minds but it was only a week and we survived :) we did crafts, played at the park and in the backyard, watched movies, went to Grandma's house twice, and met up with several spouses from Nathaniel's squadron for lunch. Nathaniel was in a warm part of the country but as soon as they got there everything froze! He still had a blast...lucky. 

Caden playing outside! 
We were soooooo bored...hahaha!

It's been very cold here in Clovis. And windy. I HATE the wind so much. It's incredibly windy today. Earlier this week it snowed a little bit and the whole town shut down. Nathaniel didn't have work one day! He and I think it's pretty silly to close everything but apparently people lose their minds over a snowflake and start wrecking their cars.
 This picture makes me laugh every time

We've been searching for a church to attend ever since we got here. We tried out several. One didn't have a pastor so we decided not to get involved with all that. One was kinda scary, it totally reminded us of the movie "Yes Man" with Jim Carrey (the beginning where they're at that conference). It was weird. But we have found one that we like!! The music is phenomenal and the preaching seems right on. There's a newcomer's class that we'll be attending soon. We enjoy going there and are excited to find out more about the church and all their beliefs. But if things aren't as they seem then we'll keep looking for a church. 

We said smile...this is what we got hahah

We've begun the potty training process. Ugh, it's awful. At this rate Caden will be seven before he uses the toilet by his own will. He's a stubborn one. No picture for this event, even though I have several :) 

Miss Isla is doing great :) she has flipped her little body from feet down to lying sideways and now she dances and kicks and pirouettes all over my belly. There's an occasional jab right in my bladder and that doesn't feel so awesome. Sneezes are now occasions to squeeze my legs together as tight as possible. Funny what getting pregnant does to your body. I wish I had some pictures of her to share!! I won't have another ultrasound for several more weeks though. I wish I had some actual pictures of her! I just want to hold her and stare at her cuteness. I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I like being pregnant but I'm sick of it already! haha my back hurts, my belly is heavy, my bladder is always full, I'm tired all the time, I can't sit in the floor to play with Caden anymore, all I want to do is eat but after I eat I'm so horribly full that I can't breathe, I'm stuffed up every night, I've been having Braxton Hicks and they're so uncomfortable, and my newest malady is acid reflux every.single.night. Every night!!! It's awful. So yeah, I'm tired of being pregnant. Soon though! 13 weeks left :) 

We're planning a quick trip out of town soon. I'm so excited!! Clovis isn't so bad but leaving the area makes me feel alive. There's just so much to do outside of this town and there are trees and hills and this green stuff called grass. My soul drinks in the greenness and I feel rejuvenated. Chick-fil-a also rejuvenates me. As does a donut (or several) from Krispy Kreme. I cannot wait :) 

So there's a quick update on the little Bucks. And here's a picture of my Caden being adorable :)

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