Monday, February 24, 2014


Since moving from Alaska to New Mexico we've made three trips to Albuquerque and one to Lubbock (TX). My aunt lives in Albuquerque and there's just so much to do! Our little tiny town of Clovis is not very exciting so we like getting out, even for just a day. We've only lived here for three and half months and already made that many trips. Yikes. But our latest trip to Albuquerque is our last one for a while. Nathaniel is in ALS until the end of March and then April and May are just too close to Isla's due date for us to travel. Ok, it probably isn't too far but I'm not comfortable with leaving home with her due date approaching. Plus, our drive last week was filled with me almost in tears because I had to pee so bad but there are literally ZERO rest areas once you get onto this one road (don't know the name). And Nathaniel complains at me to drink more water since I ended up on bedrest with Caden due to severe dehydration (which put me at risk for preterm labor at 30 weeks) and I've been to the hospital once this pregnancy for dehydration. It's really easy for me to get dehydrated, even with me drinking a gallon a day. So drinking all that water on a bumpy road with no rest stops...not fun. 

Anyways, we went to Albuquerque last weekend and had a blast! I love going and hanging out with my aunt and her family. Caden adores his cousins too! We were there on Valentine's day which is a holiday Nathaniel and I don't really celebrate anymore but we all went out to eat and made some yummy cupcakes. My cousin probably ate 15 cupcakes. I'm glad to know that he really enjoyed them! We ate out way too much and shopped way too much but we had the best time! 
20 minutes into our three and a half hour drive Caden fell asleep like this haha :) 
Beautiful view in ABQ!
Mmmmm...Krispy Kreme 
TARGET!! I'm so deprived:( we don't have one here!!! We left Target with some great stuff! I went to Kohl's too and got quite a haul for Isla and a few things for Caden. I even went to the mall and found a few things for myself! There's just nowhere to shop in Clovis so that was a real treat. 
Fresh flowers on our table at Chick-fil-a. I want some chicken nuggets! And waffle fries! And lemonade! And ice cream!
He was supposed to be taking a nap. Instead I find him with black make up paint (that he found in the end of my cousin's bed--he just reached out of his pack and play, opened the little door, and painted himself). Notice the perfect mustache. 
Thanks for the balloon Aunt "Haw-ee"!!
Valentine's goodies from my love!
Eek! Adorableness. I was told not to post this on Facebook because someone said her kids look like orphans. But this isn't facebook right? ;) 

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