Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Moving day and farewell

Moving day finally came! I was so incredibly nervous--to the point of becoming ill every time I thought about it. But it's over now and I'm fine! Our last few days in the house were filled with a longing to just get it over with, sadness, and looking forward to whatever's next. We packed up all the things we're going to need for the next month (yep, we are already realizing we forgot stuff!!) and moved into a great couple's house :) they've been wonderful friends to us the almost the whole time we've been here. We are so thankful for them!! Thanks for opening your house to us :) 

On the first moving day my mother in law and grandmother in law took Caden for the day (which was a HUGE blessing!!) and hung out with him. They even got him to take an awesome nap! The packers showed up--just two guys--and they packed the whole house in four hours. I thought we had a lot of stuff...apparently not! haha on the second day Nathaniel's grandma once again took Caden for us. She took him out to eat with some of her friends and said he was an angel and that her friends adored him :) makes this mommy's heart happy to hear that. The packers came back and moved everything out of the house into a huge truck and off went our stuff. I already miss it! I miss my bed and my shoes. For some silly reason I only packed two pairs of shoes :( but I did grab at least five pairs of flip flops...Hawaii was on the brain while I was packing! 

All we had left to do in our house was to clean the darn thing. Nathaniel and I kept that house SPOTLESS. Yet it was filthy. I don't even know how that happened!! Luckily it really wasn't too bad and we were be done quickly. Plus, Nathaniel's grandma came over to help us. And Caden hung out with one of his best buds that day so we could clean without worrying about him getting into...well, there was nothing for him to get into haha but we were able to concentrate on cleaning! 

We have been so blessed to have family here and have made some wonderful friends. We're going to miss you all so much!!!! We'll be back to visit family but most of our friends won't be here anymore. The Air Force is a small world though so I know that someday we'll run into our friends again :) we've said some "farewells" and I'd forgotten how hard it is. How many times have I had moving days? How many times have I said "see you around" or "goodbye"? It's so hard everytime. I hate this part of life. I've cried so much in the last couple of days. We haven't even left Alaska and I miss you all already. Thank you for being there for us, helping us out, hanging out and having a good time with us--we'll see you down the road someday :) 

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