Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My favorite time of year...

So I meant to post this two weeks ago, when Fall first started in Alaska and now it's over! I was on Pinterest and saw a pin that said something like "if you say pumpkin spice latte a suburban white girl in yoga pants will appear and tell you all the things she loves about Fall." Well that made me a little self conscious of my love of Fall...not because I love pumpkin spice lattes (because I absolutely do NOT love them) and not because I wear yoga pants (ok, at home I do but not out in public!) but because now loving Autumn seems so common and annoying. So I guess I'm just a common and annoying suburban white girl who loves Fall. Enjoy! 

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year!! I love the way the leaves change their color from green to all shades of red, yellow, and brown. I love the sound of leaves crunching under my feet. I love the chill in the air that lets you know winter is on it's way. I love the smells--outdoor and indoor smells. I love the smell of rain, the smell of the leaves, and just that smell that Autumn brings. I love all the scents of freshly baked goodies. Of pumpkin spice cookies, hot chocolate, caramel apples...mmm time to break out the pumpkin and start baking!! I love that once the mountains turn gold and crimson that the holidays are almost here. I love that it's time to pack away the shorts and flip flops (not that you ever get to wear them in Alaska! I did this year though!!) and get out sweaters and boots and scarves. I love taking walks in the brisk Fall air and letting Caden collect fallen leaves. I love the Fall decorations, my house is decked out in Autumnal decor! I'm so thankful that we get to see one last Fall before we move. Alaskan Autumns only last about threeish weeks or so but they're amazing! Hopefully Fall lasts until we leave :) 

As you can tell this entry was written before Fall ended (by me saying "hopefully Fall lasts until we leave). I still love this season and I always matter how cliche it gets! These pictures...not the best quality. But hopefully they're still enjoyable!

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