Sunday, July 7, 2013

Oh the horror

So this entry is actually a horror story. It's a about my sweet boy (who will, undoubtedly, hate me for posting this) and comes with a warning: if you are faint of heart or have a weak stomach...don't read on! That being said, here we go! But first, look at this picture. Just keep this innocent face in your mind as read the monstrosities even I didn't think he was capable of.


A couple weeks ago Little Buck was sick. He had a runny nose and a cough and couldn't sleep; he was miserable (and so was I). On one particular day he awoke around 6:30 am and I thought I was going to die. I don't get up that early anymore. And neither should he!! But he woke up way too early, napped for maybe one hour, cried all day, and then finally passed out around 8:00 pm. He woke an hour later crying and was BURNING up :( so we got him up and tried to cool him down. We took his little Superman pjs off and let him play in just a diaper for a while. He finally went back to bed sometime very late that night. He woke up several times during the night crying and at 5:00 am he was just screaming. I checked on him but as I opened his door he stopped crying and lay still. I silently stood there; eyes straining to detect any movement, ears listening for any sign that I would have to remain awake, nose sniffing the air for the slightest scent of disaster in a diaper. All was clear, I went back to bed. 

Seriously, all ye of weak stomachs and hearts, turn around now...

Around 10:00 I woke up. I lay in bed for a moment, thanking God that Caden had let me sleep a bit. I also began to wonder what time he would nap since he slept in so late when I heard the gleeful squeals of my sweet son playing in crib. I jumped out of bed to greet him with a good morning song, not bothering to grab my glasses or put my contacts in. I swung his door open and began to sing "GOOOODD MORNING! GOOO--" I stopped in shock. Since since I didn't have my eyes properly functioning, all of my other senses must have stopped functioning too because I had never even caught a whiff of what was to come. "Caden!!!!! What did you doooooo?????" My precious bundle of joy (here's your last chance to run) was covered, from his hair to his belly button to the bottoms of his feet, in the contents of an extremely EXPLOSIVE diaper. I am not exaggerating in the slightest. He had CRAP in his hair. He had it in between his fingers and toes. He had it in his belly button. There was poop on the floor, on every single slat of the crib, on the wall behind the crib, his yellow sheets were a lovely shade of brown. His dirty diaper was completely void of poop. He had emptied it and threw it overboard. And then proceeded to finger paint. It was wonderful (sarcasm). When I picked him up I got covered in fecal matter as well. I cleaned us both up and left the bedroom to tackle later, once the shock passed. And, let me tell you, the clean up was horrible. I almost added the contents of my stomach to the mess. 

And there's your horror story! Hope you enjoyed it. Please note that I use the term "horror" loosely hahaha to a mom that is the ultimate horror story!! A huge mess on top of everything else is just...horrific. I know that much more terrible things can happen but this is the ultimate non deadly, non life threatening, non broken-bone-emergency-room-visit horror story. 

And I wanted to share a picture from today :) It has nothing to do with the story but it's cute!!


Oh, and this one :)


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