Sunday, March 16, 2014

Baby loveđź’•

If you've been following my blog or my facebook at all you'll know that I'm pretty much in love with Nathaniel's new squadron. They welcomed my husband, my son, my unborn daughter, and me with open arms and have made us feel like we're at home. He's in a small unit for now but it's going to expand very soon! The spouses of this fabulous unit approached me a while ago and asked if they could throw a baby shower for me. Of course I said yes :) over the weekend a baby shower for me, a welcome baby for our commander's new baby, and bbq for the guys was thrown. It was so fun! And absolutely adorable. It was perfectly cute and I loved everything!! I also loved having all the men and kids there! The only thing that was missing from the wonderful day was all of my family members and all my "old" friends. I miss you all so much. 

Pink and polka dots EVERYWHERE!!! Loved it!!
A few of the gifts for Isla. Way more showed up a few minutes later :)
Diaper bassinets! Like a diaper cake--adorable!
Diaper cake!
Some of the food...the best part ;)

There was a little indoor play area in the building! Caden loved it! We hung the banner I made for Isla's room on it
Here's a better picture of the banner! I'm pretty proud of myself :) 
Goodie bags for the winners of the games!
Is this cake not the cutest thing ever?!
Wait, these jars are the cutest things ever! 

Everyone made onesies and bibs for the new babies!

Opening gifts!

Baby bikini! I will die when I see Isla in that!! Sooooo cute!

Spouses get to join in on "Mustache March" hahah

The handsome big brother :)
The "new" mommies
Baby bump!

It was a great day! The guys didn't make it into hardly any of the pictures, but, let's face it--baby showers are all about the ladies and babies :) haha I'm so thankful for all the gifts we received! More than that, I'm thankful for the people. I can't wait for all the people I love (parents, sisters, grandparents, all my wonderful in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins...I love you all) to celebrate the birth our daughter with us!

And then there's this: 
Mustache March for everyone I guess! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lubbock trip!

So today I attended a wonderful baby shower/welcome baby/squadron bbq. I loved every second! I REALLY want to blog about that but I don't have all the pictures yet! So I'll go back a couple days and talk about a super fun trip my friends and I made to Lubbock, Texas earlier this week :) 

This past Tuesday we drove about an hour and half to Lubbock. I think that originally there were supposed to be six women with their children going but a nasty sickness has been circling and only three of us ended up going. And I'm glad!  Not glad that they were all sick but a little happy that they couldn't all come because that's just a lot of kids! I rode with one of my friends on the way there and this is what our kids were doing: 

Why are they so cute?! 

Once we got there we went to Starbucks because there's not a single one in Clovis! Crazy. I don't drink coffee but Caden and I shared a cinnamon roll. We went to Target next. And happiness ensued ;) I have no idea why I love Target so much but I really do. Don't worry, Nathaniel knows about my love affair with Target so it's all good. I found a cute dress for the baby shower! I was so happy. We went to Chick-fil-a after that and ate the most delectable chicken. Their food is sooooo good! Especially when you so rarely get to enjoy it's deliciousness. 

I love that they always have fresh flowers on the table!

We then headed off to this awesome park called Legacy Play Village (I think). It's super fun. For all my Alaska friends, it's similar to the old Midnight Sun park that used to be on base except bigger. The kids LOVED it!!!! It was very windy but that didn't bother them! Those three kids are so cute and so sweet. They're just good children and they're nice to each other. I'm so thankful to have become friends with their mommies :) 

Playing music!

The boys' version of confetti--woodchips haha

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I've been so busy lately!! And things that normally are no big deal suddenly are a big deal. For example; going to the grocery store. I have to make sure that I borrow the truck (since we only have one vehicle right now. It's so much more lame than it sounds) before I decide to go. Then I have to get myself and Caden ready to go and that's no easy task! He's running around and hiding under my bed, right in the middle of the bed too because he know I can't reach him there. Once we finally get out the door he wants to play in the back yard but I don't want to play, I want to get the freaking groceries, come home, and take a nap. After I've wrangled him into the truck the process of actually buckling him in behind. Sigh. His car seat is in the middle seat so I have to put him in the car and then actually climb in to buckle him. By the time I've climbed in he's on the opposite side of the truck, giggling and leaving handprints all over the window. So I finally get him in and off we go. But that's just the whole leaving the house part. The other part, the part where I'm out and about, is equally difficult! And I didn't even mention the fact that I'm almost 8 months pregnant. But I'm not about to sit at home all day, every day because it's a pain in the tushie to go anywhere. 

So anyways, yea, I'm super busy just walking out the door. We've done some pretty fun things in the past couple weeks though! We had a play date at the park down the street. I loaded Caden into his awesome wagon and met some friends there. 

I made Caden this new pillow one day. He loves it!

Nathaniel started ALS and we went to this little meet and greet thing. Caden was a lucky guy and got to check out a Humvee!! 

We had a play date at Burger King one morning and another big date at my house. I invited all the spouses of the guys in Nathaniel's squadron (there's only a very few of us!) to come over for a potluck play date and it went fabulously. We had a ton of food too! No pictures were taken though, sorry. I wish I had snapped one! Then we got extremely sick and that was super fun. Poor Caden:( he puked all over himself, me, Nathaniel, our bed, the floor. He had a high fever too. But he's all better now!! 

All he wanted to do was cuddle and hold hands. 
I posted on Facebook that we weren't feeling well and I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love for us. Family was concerned and even friends were concerned. A care package (along with a gift for Isla) was dropped off for us and we appreciated it so much!!! 

Once we were all better we hung out with grandma and grandpa, or the Gpops, as I call them. Caden loves his Gpops! We went to church on Sunday and loved it. We're loving the church we've been attending!!

On Monday I had a baby appointment and, unfortunately, Nathaniel wasn't able to go. But Isla is doing great! I got to hear her heartbeat for a while because they hooked me up to the monitors. She flipped over and is head down. I can DEFINITELY tell. The urge to pee is stronger than ever. After my appointment I took Caden to a little Mardi Gras party. It was cute! We did crafts and ate and had a good time! 


Notice the lack of comforter on our bed? That's because it's at the dry cleaners after Caden's sickness. Poor guy. 

On Tuesday I had a ton of errands to run but we started the day off right with a donut date. It was too cute! We went to Daylight Donuts, a place I've gone to many times as a kid but yesterday was my first time since moving here. It's exactly the same as I remember! A couple of old guys were there with their own coffee mugs. It was cute. Caden and I each ate a donut and then headed off. I will be back many more times. I loved that quiet little time with him and he seemed to love it too :)

Monkey gets a bite! 

We played outside that afternoon and he had a Popsicle. He'd never had one like that before and I think he liked it! 

Today was rough. Definitely not as fun as all our other days (besides the sick days and the one day spent in the hospital getting Caden checked out). Up at 5am for some unknown reason, crying and ready for a nap by 9:30, hyper, over active, and ready for bed by 6:00. It was a long day. I'm glad it's over. Now if only I could fall asleep...give me another hour and I might fall asleep. Curse my insomnia (I don't really have insomnia, don't worry). Here's one last picture of Caden :)

He asks for a bubble bath every day!! 

I recovered Caden's infant car seat too!! It was a lot of hard work. And no pattern. I just looked at it and hoped for the best haha but I think it turned out pretty cute!!!

This is the original car seat. It's cute but not girly enough! 
Here's the new and improved car seat!! I still need to recover the canopy though. But I'm proud of this baby, just don't zoom in too close or else you'll see some awful stitching hahah and yes, it's completely safe (just throwing that out for  all the car seat nazis out there). 

So the next week is busy too. A haircut for Caden, making and delivering a meal to a family who just welcomed a new baby, meeting a new friend, and a fun day in Lubbock. That last one I'm just beyond excited about. I'll be sure to talk about it later! :) 

Oh, P.S.--Mustache March just started. Not real happy about that. I HATE a mustache by itself. Eww. But Nathaniel's growing one despite my protests. I'll take a picture of the awful thing at the end of the month.