Monday, November 25, 2013

Baby Buck

I thought I'd give a quick baby update since it's been a little while. I'm now 16 weeks pregnant and I feel great! Except for being soooo tired all the time. And I keep having these awful headaches. But I'm pretty sure it's my contacts causing the headaches. Which sucks because they're brand new contacts and a brand new prescription! But pregnancy does funny things to your eyes. I am totally over all the nausea (for now)! Yay! 
Since I had back problems with Caden I've been really careful this time. After I had Caden I even had to go to physical therapy for my back so I'm nervous about hurting it again. Hopefully I make it through this pregnancy without too much back pain! 
My belly is starting to grow. My pants are getting super uncomfortable and the hair band trick isn't really helping! But I hate maternity pants so I'm going to squeeze into my normal pants as long as I can bear to :) I also can't stop eating. All food is sooooo good!! I'm trying to snack on healthy foods but chips and candy keep screaming my name. I refuse to gain a ton of weight though! So I must resist! 
I finally had a doctor's appointment on Friday. I was able to hear the heartbeat for about three seconds before the doctor put away the doppler. I was disappointed. I'm being seen in a small clinic instead of a hospital and I really miss my hospital and doctor in Alaska!! I hope that my next appointment at the clinic goes much better. I haven't felt any movement yet but I'm sure that anytime now I'll start feeling those butterfly flutters again! Then my body will become a kickboxing ring shortly after, but that's ok--I love the feel of the kicks! Here are a few belly pictures :) not much to see but I'm proud of it! 

This one is actually 15 weeks
16 weeks! 
16 and a half weeks. Yes, I know there's a small hole in my shirt (and that I wore this same shirt in the first picture) but just do what I do and pretend that it's not there ;)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Second trimester!!

Yay! I made it! The Buckling and I hit the second trimester on Tuesday! I am 13 and a half weeks pregnant right now. I feel good :) nausea is rare these days but the tiredness is still hanging around. My back has started hurting a bit in the exact same spot it hurt last pregnancy. It's my upper back just below my right shoulder blade. And my masseuse (Nathaniel) isn't here right now to make it feel better! But my sister gives a mean massage so I've been forcing her to do it haha 
My baby bump is very small but much bigger than it was at 13 weeks with Caden. Somedays I feel like a stuffed sausage and other days I feel like a either way I feel huge. Here are some pictures of my nonexistent baby bump :) 

Yes, I have a bump picture in that same flowery shirt with Caden haha I love that shirt! My baby bump is barely there and makes me feel monstrous but I love it already. Only 26 and half more weeks until I hold my sweet baby!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013


We just had the most amazing vacation in Hawaii. Nathaniel's grandma decided a couple of years ago that once it came time for us to move from Alaska she would take us on a vacation to Hawaii. I am eternally grateful! It was a fabulous vacation. We flew out of Alaska to the island Oahu and then got onto a small plane to the Big Island. The Big Island is so different from Oahu. Oahu is very touristy, very busy, very crowded. The Big Island is quiet, very dark at night, and far less crowded. This was my first visit to the Big Island and I really liked it! We stayed in a condo on a lovely golf course, within walking distance of a few shopping areas and the beach. We had fun just relaxing, enjoying each other's company, and hanging out at the pool or beach :) every morning Nathaniel's grandma would take Caden on a walk for about an hour or so and it was so nice for to me able to take a shower and get ready for the day without Caden "helping" haha 

This is the view out my balcony! It's a beautiful view of the golf course. The black rocks are volcanic rock! So cool.
He found an old phone and new exactly what to do with it!

Baby toes in the sand
Yep, he's a boy hahaha found this magazine in a drawer at the condo 

We could not get him out of the water!!

Ugh. My cute!!
Water baby :) 

Swimming is so tiring!

Mama Kat's sun hat!
Slurping down my virgin piña colada 
We wayched dolphins play. There's a baby one! You can barely sit the little guy under his mama.

Running through the sprinklers
Gorgeous sunset
Last night on the Big Island!

We flew back to Oahu for four days and even though it's busy and crowded it was so fun! I love all the touristy stuff. Nathaniel rented a convertible one day while we were there so we could go to Pearl Harbor, the Aloha Stadium, and the Dole Pineapple Plantation. We hung out at the beach and Caden had a great time :) he loves the water! We walked around a bit, did some shopping, ate shave ice and pineapple ice cream, and went to a luau. Nathaniel's grandma continued to take Caden with her on her morning walks which he really seemed to enjoy. We were sad to leave the warmth and sunshine and beach and all the Hawaiian goodness but so very excited to get moving again! We can't wait to be in our own home again!!!
View out our balcony! 
We got to watch fireworks from our room!


U.S.S Missouri 
Part of the U.S.S Arizona 
Names of the men who died on the Arizona (Pearl Harbor memorial)
Driving around with the top down! Caden was not in the car at the time. He stayed with his Mama Kat while we went to Pearl Harbor.
To die for!! Pineapple ice cream!!
Caden loved it!!!
A pink pineapple
Hanging out in the pineapple hut! 

He was so excited to push the elevator buttons
Wearing my sarong, looking adorable 

Ready for the luau! 
Food from the luau.