Sunday, June 12, 2016


It's almost mid-June, guys. Mid-June. I can't believe that. And of course, I'm just now talking about April, how typical of me. I've attempted to write about the  month multiple times but haven't succeeded yet. So here we go, I'm actually doing this. Here's April: 

In April we celebrated Caden's fourth birthday and Isla's second birthday. They each received wonderful gifts and a ton of cash (I was a little jealous! haha). They spent their money at Toys R Us and Target (yep, we still go to Target. It's mommy's playground. I've yet to be attacked by a transgender but I also don't use public bathrooms unless nature absolutely demands it. So we're good. I won't go into my feelings/opinions/stances on the issue because ain't nobody got time for that.). They LOVED using their own money to pick out new things. We came home with kites, books, a Rapunzel doll, a Chewbacca crossbow, bubbles, and princess shoes. They were spoiled rotten by their families! We're talking pools and slip n slides and scooters and tents and decked out baby dolls. Spoiled I tell you, spoiled. But so loved. We had a small family party for them and it was so fun. I'm thankful for in-laws who have always welcomed me and who adore my children. Nathaniel missed out on the party because he was in tech school in Ohio. I spent the entirety of the month of April without daily adult interaction. That's the worst part about him being gone! I have no one to talk to. After the kids go to bed I speak zero words. It's boring and lonely. However, I'm taking classes at Wayland Baptist University (bachelor's here I come!!) and was able to talk to other adults there. Another shout out to my in-laws because they watched my children every Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon for five weeks. Thank you so much!!! And yes, you read that right. Saturday afternoons filled with college algebra. I got an A in the class, yay me!! I haven't done math any more complicated than figuring out how much a 15% off coupon will save me or how to half a recipe in about eight years. So yea, getting an A was a HUGE accomplishment! Anyway, here are some cute pictures! 

Up first is Miss Sassy Pants
Caden got $10 from Grandma and Grandpa Buck! He was so excited!!
He picked out the crossbow with a gift card from his cousin, Brielle :)
Isla picked out a Rapunzel doll! Thank you Brielle!
All of Caden's birthdays. I love this boy so much. He's so smart and sweet. He's totally rotten sometimes and then he'll hug me and say, "you're the best mommy I could ever have!" He's my best friend and I can hardly remember life before him (although the memory loss could be a side affect of having children...). I love my Caden Nathaniel!!
Part of Mimi and Papa's many gifts was this bandit mask. It's definitely a hit! It makes me laugh every single time.
Just one of many trips to the park. At this particular park we like to play in the wooded area nearby.
Oh yea, Isla's arm got busted up :(
She really did not let the cast slow her down. She had the splint for one day and the cast for three weeks. I cried so much after it happened. It was my fault. She and I were in the bathroom, about to brush her teeth. Then I stopped and decided to grab jammies first so I left her standing on the stool; no big deal. But she decided to climb on top of the bathroom counter and then she slipped off. I had just come out of her room when I saw her slipping and could definitely see some knocked out teeth and/or a busted forehead with stitches so I grabbed her. Except I grabbed her wrist and yanked her up. Her wrist popped three times and she screamed. I cried and she cried and we went to the ER. After three weeks they took the cast off and said she suffered a teeny tiny fracture in her elbow but that it should heal up on its own. So far she's doing well. Every once in a while she'll say it hurts or grimace when I put her shirt on. If she keeps it up then it's back to the doctor we go. Poor baby girl. 
We celebrated their birthdays with a joint party! We celebrated Gigi and Granddad too :) 
Uncle John couldn't get that baby doll opened up fast enough!
Hugs from Grandpa Bruns
Hugs for Uncle Tanner and Vivian :)
Gigi and Pop!
Isla loves her "kitty kat" (Mama Kat)
I love when she calls her kitty kat! I want her to call her that forever! 
Aunt Ronda and the boys :) 
Just a couple of princesses hanging out on the table. The blanket had to be draped there to keep her cast from scratching it all up.
Saturday morning cartoons
All of Isla Camille's birthdays. She is such a blessing to our family. She is sassy and cute and caring and loving. She has a serious attitude but is still the sweetest little thing ever. She's smart and mimics Caden's every move. I adore her and couldn't imagine our family without her. 
"Is this real? Is this a real ten? I can't tell" that's what that look says to me haha 
Caden drew his first person and it made me so happy. This one will be kept forever :) 

In April we found out that my mom has breast cancer. Honestly, it was devistating news. We have no history. How did she get it? How? Why? Why my mom? Other people's moms get cancer. Not my mom. Are you sure? Check again. See another doctor. It's not really true, right? But it is true. There are some very hard emotions that come with news like that. We spent the better part of the month worrying and praying. She'd get good news from the doctors and then she'd get not so good news. So many ups and downs and all over the places. But we finally have some answers. My mom has breast cancer. And she's having a mastectomy in about a week. Sometimes she feels peace about it and sometimes she doesn't. But when it's over, my mom WON'T have breast cancer. It will be gone. She be down one boob but it's not about the boobs. It's not about "save the tatas". It's about real women. Women with families and lives and memories and futures. It's about my mom. MY mom. My mommy. Caden and Isla's Mimi. It's heavy stuff, y'all (there's my Joanna Gaines again) but I worship a mighty God. I have absolute faith that He will guide the doctor's hands and send in the most perfect nurses. I have faith that once the cancer is gone, it's gone. I have faith that she will heal and be the same Mimi as always. I never really gave breast cancer too much thought because it doesn't run in our family. But if you've got milk jugs get them checked out. I did and I'll keep up with my monthly breast exams and when I'm 38 I'll have to start getting mammograms (at least I think that's what my doc said. 38 seems so far away! But it really isn't), even though my mom doesn't carry the gene. I love my mom and I'm so thankful for her. I'm thankful it isn't worse. I wish it wasn't there at all but I'm so glad it isn't worse. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers please!! 
This is from December and thank God my hair looks better now than it did then. I love you mom!!!!! I think we'll keep you around for many, many, many more Decembers to come :) 

April was a weird month this year. This year's been a weird year. I'm hopeful that the last half of the year will be awesome. But seriously, last half?! What?? It's June! How did the time go so quickly? We've been back in Alaska for almost six months. I can't believe it. 
We had some beautiful weather in April! Still chilly but so pretty. 
May is up next!!

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