Monday, April 6, 2015

Valentine's Day to Easter

Valentine's Day and Easter really aren't that far apart but I feel like they are because all we Bucks have been doing is go, go, go. I'm exhausted but we've had so much fun! Even though we don't travel the world, go out and party, or even just go out to eat we have the best time with each other. My kids make me laugh, they make me cry (tears of frustration, tears of nostalgia, tears of laughter), they make me mad, they make me happy. I adore them. Even when they're rotten. 

So back to Valentine's Day! We drove to visit my aunt and her family in Albuquerque for a few days and had a great time. Unfortunately I was plagued with headaches almost the whole time but we still had a really good time! Caden loves all of them so much. Nathaniel and I were able to watch American Sniper and go out to eat (by ourselves. It was amazing!). I did a little bit of shopping and we took Caden and Isla to the zoo. The Albuquerque zoo is pretty awesome! But our trip there was a DISASTER. Oh my gosh. I want to erase those memories. Caden...he was tired and hungry but refused to sleep or eat so you guys can just imagine how the trip went. 

He was possessive of that map at the zoo
Isla, in her cousin's flamingo shirt, with her daddy, in front of flamingos! 
One of many meltdowns
The second we got back in the car. Of course.

Isla playing with Cay Cay! 

And that's all I have from that trip! I wish I had more.
Here are pictures of our decorations that we had at home!
Caden made these last year. I started to hang them in the kitchen window again but Caden insisted I hang them right there :) 

In February Caden started gymnastics! At first he was wild. Now he's following directions and doing really well! I'm so proud of him!

We took Caden to watch Big Hero 6 and he LOVED it. Isla did really well in the movie theater too! 

We went to the zoo here in Clovis. That zoo trip was infinitely better than our Albuquerque zoo trip haha

Caden and Isla look like twins!!

We did a bunch of crafts, we went on play dates, Isla tried a ton of new foods (her current favorite is green beans!), Caden made up new games (such as, "I gotta snap the bad guys!" with my straightener haha), I went to a Favorite Things party, Nathaniel and I started taking Dave Ramsay's Financial Peace class, I started going to school again, I started playing bunco (LOVE IT), Mama Kat and Granddad came to visit (previously blogged about), hung out with Grandma and Grandpa, Nathaniel grew and then dyed a mustache, and I don't even know what else. We've had tons of fun. Here, look at all these pictures now! You'll love them! haha 

My Favorite Things gift! I wish I had kept them! :) 
Sharing crackers! Both of them love crackers!
Isla and her grandpa!!
Play-Doh. And that adorable tongue :P
He looks so grown up! 
A foot right in the neck hahah
Helping Isla learn how to crawl!! She finally got it! 

Oh, my darling. She's so beautiful.
"I gotta snap you and the bad guys!"

Painting with daddy!
She loves Caden's Bucky ship
Caden and the gang at the park!
"Are you ready for your manicure mommy?"
They love to play together!
Well, hello Mr. Giraffe.
First time in a big car cart like that and Isla's first pigtails!! 

On a rare date! Mr. Mustache had to come along too. 
Squadron Easter party! Isla passed out right at egg hunt time.
The Tactical Easter Bunny haha
Green beans :) 
I found her in a pile of shoes. That's my girl! 
He dyed it. He DYED IT. Ewwww hahaha
Someone's hungry! She's always hungry!!
Early Easter at the Gpop's house! Sadly, this is the only picture I have:( and not a very good picture at that. My phone wouldn't let me take anymore pictures. My grandparents made a marvelous ham with all the fixin's and they had a little Easter egg hunt for Caden and Isla. It was a great time and so sweet! We love them!! 
Easter Sunday with my little family! 
Their Easter baskets :)

Isn't he so handsome??

Egg hunt!

I thought all of Isla's eggs were empty but there was a chocolate in one. She devoured it!! 

The last four Easters :) my sweet Easter baby's birthday is tomorrow. I can hardly believe that he's going to be three already. THREE!! How did that happen? He's so big now! He's been potty trained these past few months, he can count all the way to twelve, he sings his ABCs, he's so smart and healthy. His personality is so cute and funny. His imagination is incredible. I love him and I'm so proud of him!! If anyone needs me I'll be looking at his baby pictures and crying. ;) 

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