Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I'm a mere three weeks late but I'm the only one who's counting haha three very short weeks ago we celebrated Thanksgiving! We went to Albuquerque and stayed with my aunt and her family. My grandparents were there too, so we had a total of eleven people in the house for four days. We had a ton of fun!! :) but all four little Bucks were in one room together. That part wasn't super fun haha but, overall, we had a great time :) we baked goodies and made way too much food. We made some "snow" for the kids to play with. We worked on a cute little book for my great grandma for Christmas and did a little shopping. There aren't too many pictures but here's everything I have! 

Watching Curious George on the drive there!
Isla's first Thanksgiving! And she's wearing Caden's shirt :)
Chex mix for miles
I love him. I also love all that food in front of us!
The above picture and the below picture: my 6:45 wake up call. At least they're cute!

My cousin and Isla :)
At the park!
Isla and her favorite Aunt Holly
Tyler and an uncooperative Caden
Our Isla Girl
Mommy and Isla. Caden wouldn't let anyone take a picture with him :(
My wonderful grandparents. I love how they're both smiling so big here!
My aunt and her cute family!
We're adorable ;)
My little family :) my grandpa took pictures for us all! Thank you grandpa!

I know Thanksgiving is done and we've all moved on but being thankful is a year round kinda thing. So here's a few things I'm thankful for: every person in the photos above. Every person who I love and who loves me; my parents, sisters, in-laws, extended family, friends. My sweet little boy, who showed me what true love is. My darling girl, who taught me that there's room in my heart to love more than one sweet baby. My husband, who's been by my side and been my best friend for almost ten years!! He loves me without conditions and he loves me for me. He doesn't try to change me. And I love him for that. I'm thankful for the obvious; shelter, clothes, food (my fave), good health, a steady job and income. I'm thankful for my faith. Sometimes that's all that keeps me going. There are a lot of things I'm not thankful for (bugs, extreme heat, stupidity (haha), sleepless nights...I could go on but I'll stop) but I really have so so so much to be thankful for!! And that makes me happy :)

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